Black Magic and Three Wives
One man got 3 wives. The first wife and the second one were suspicious that he was under a spell of black magic from the third wife so they coordinated together to find someone to help resolve the black magic. After he had passed away for 8 days, his third wife prepared a ceremony to receive Dhamma from Kuan Yin Goddess. They said, this ceremony was from the higher class in Taiwan, and it can powerfully dismiss the recipients name from hell.
Temples to have CCTV
Keeping Love Alive (Cherishing Love)
In the book Thirty-eight Universal Steps to Eternal Happiness, compiled for the summer program for ordained monks by the Venerable teacher Monk Somchai Tanavuddho,
Restrain from Drinking and Consuming Intoxicants
Intoxicants: In general this means allowing alcohol and drugs being absorbed into the body through drinking, inhaling, insertion, spraying, smoking, and injection
ขอเชิญร่วมพิธีตักบาตร เนื่องในวันครูผู้ค้นพบวิชชาธรรมกาย
ขอเชิญร่วมพิธีตักบาตร ถวายอาหารแห้งแด่พระภิกษุและสามเณร วันจันทร์ที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2561 วันครูผู้ค้นพบวิชชาธรรมกาย ณ สภาธรรมกายสากล วัดพระธรรมกาย จ. ปทุมธานี
Will you please tell us about the consequences of prejudice and show us how to get rid of it?
There are a lot of problems stemming from prejudice in Thai society today. Will you please tell us about the consequences of prejudice and show us how to get rid of it?
Flood Situation and the needed things
Dhammakaya Temple and Foundation helped the flood victims.
Resurrection to Quit
When my husband was young, he drank and smoked a lot. One day, he coughed and was unconscious. His body was cold and I was frightened. After he regained consciousness, he said to me “Please go to pay respects to Luang Pu and King Rama V.” Later, he was able to quit smoking and drinking. Why did my husband do so after he regained consciousness? What did he see?
Being good and being responsible
Responsibility is the mindfulness to perform those actions that promote the greater good for yourself and others. When we are responsible, we contribute to the well being of ourselves and others. To be responsible we must have brave hearts and the determination to take risks to protect society from harm.